Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Folklore Sangkuriang - Legend of West Java

In antiquity, in West Java, lived a princess named Dayang Sumbi. He had a son named Sangkuriang. The child was very fond of hunting in the woods. Each hunting, he was always accompanied by her pet dog named Tumang. Tumang actually the incarnation of a god, and also Sangkuriang natural father, but Sangkuriang not know about it and she was deliberately kept it a secret.

One day, as usual Sangkuriang go into the woods to hunt. Once when he got in the woods, Sangkuriang start looking for prey. He saw there was a bird that was perched on a branch, then without thinking Sangkuriang shot, and right on target. Sangkuriang then ruled earlier Tumang to catch prey, but the Tumang silent and refused to follow orders Sangkuriang. Since it is very annoyed at Tumang, then Sangkuriang and drove Tumang and not allowed to go home with him again.

At home, Sangkuriang tell the incident to his mother. Upon hearing the story of her son, Dayang Sumbi very angry. He took a scoop of rice, and banged on the head Sangkuriang. Feeling disappointed with the treatment of his mother, then Sangkuriang decided to go wandering, and left his home.

After the incident, Dayang Sumbi deeply regretted his actions. He prays every day, and ask that one day could see her son again. Because of the seriousness of the Sumbi Dayang prayer, then God gave him a gift of eternal beauty and youth forever.

After many years Sangkuriang wandering, he eventually intends to return to his hometown. When I got there, she was very surprised at all, because his hometown has changed completely. Sangkuriang pleasure increases when the current in the middle of the road met a woman who is very beautiful girl, who is none other than Dayang Sumbi. Because fascinated by her beauty, the direct Sangkuriang proposed. Finally an application is received by Dayang Sumbi Sangkuriang, and agreed to be married in the near future. One day, his future wife Sangkuriang ask permission to hunt on Hatan. Before leaving, he asked Dayang Sumbi for belt tightening and smoothing kapalanya. Dayang Sumbi was surprised, because at the time she smoothed Sangkuriang headband, he saw a scar. The scars are similar to scar her. Once asked about the cause of the wound Sangkuriang, Dayang Sumbi tekejut increases, because it is true that her husband was her own son.

Dayang Sumbi very distraught, because he could not marry his own son. After Sangkuriang home hunting, Dayang Sumbi tried talking to Sangkuriang, so Sangkuriang cancel their wedding plans. Dayang Sumbi request is not approved Sangkuriang, and only considered the wind alone.

Dayang Sumbi every day thinking about how to order their wedding never happened. After thinking hard, Dayang Sumbi finally found the best way. He proposed two conditions to Sangkuriang. If Sangkuriang can fulfill both these requirements, then Dayang Sumbi would be his wife, but on the contrary if the marriage fails then it will be canceled. The first requirement Dayang Sumbi wants Citarum river dammed. And the second is, ask Sangkuriang to make a very large boat to cross the river. The second condition that must be resolved before dawn.

Sangkuriang Dayang Sumbi undertakes the second request, and promised to finish before dawn. With its magic, then Sangkuriang exert his friends from the jinn to help complete the task. Secretly, Dayang Sumbi peek of Sangkuriang work. How surprised he was, because Sangkuriang almost menyelesaiklan all requirements given Dayang Sumbi before dawn.

Dayang Sumbi then ask for help around the community to roll out a red silk cloth to the east of the city. When looking at the color flushed in the east of the city, Sangkuriang thought that it was late morning. Sangkuriang immediately stopped work and was not able to meet the requirements that have been proposed by Dayang Sumbi.

With a sense of annoyance and disappointment, then break down the dam Sangkuriang it has itself created. Because the dam collapse, then there was a flood and the whole town under water. Sangkuriang also kicked a big boat that has been made. Canoe was drifting and falling headlong, then became a mountain called Tangkuban Perahu.

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